Our Hallet Cove chiropractors are experienced, certified and highly committed
Whether you’ve been experiencing soreness for a long time or new aches and pains are only recently starting to affect you; at SA Wellness Centre we’ll first conduct an in-depth assessment. This includes a thorough history being taken, including questions regarding current and past injuries, as well as day-to-day activities that may relate to your pain.
From here, we can carry out a physical examination to test your muscles and joints to find the origin of your pain. Once we have a better understanding of your specific condition, we’ll proceed with personalised chiropractic treatment that may involve a combination of spinal manipulation, dry needling, physiotherapy, massage, cupping, compression and other evidence-based treatments.
We may also offer advice on daily exercises that can help to further alleviate the pain and manage your musculoskeletal condition.
Why seek chiropractic treatment at our Hallet Cove clinic?
At SA Wellness Centre, we help clients from all walks of life with conditions varying from sciatica and whiplash, to herniated discs, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder and more. If you’re experiencing prolonged tightness, soreness or stiffness in any area of your body, it’s important to seek treatment. Neglecting to address these issues can cause a relatively minor misalignment or other problem to quickly exacerbate into a more serious condition that requires more complex treatment.
Book a consultation for chiropractic treatment in Hallet Cove today
To schedule your appointment, you can simply book online or contact us directly for more information.